
Before we begin

Our job is to market your home and give you enough information to make a great decision on how to price your home.
We have a track record of setting record-high selling prices in LA and Orange County neighborhoods (we are currently at 107% listing-to-sales price in our targeted market areas!). We are dedicated to our clients, and will work tirelessly to do the same for you and your family.

Homes Don't Sell Because of

Lack of Preparation
Poor Marketing
Improper Pricing

Our Strategy To Sell Your Home​


Beautiful, eye-catching photos are so important to attract buyers who search online for your home. We take the highest quality photos for the greatest impact and to highlight your home’s best features.


We want your home to be shown in the best possible light to prospective buyers to get you top dollar in the shortest amount of time. 

We will create a warm and inviting environment focusing on the best architectural features and selling points of your home. 


We don’t want your house to be “just another house on the market”– we want the open house to be an event.

By hosting the Mega Open House the weekend after going “live” (listing on the MLS), and not offering private showings (by other Realtors), we drive up foot traffic to our Open House. 

By hiring vendors to supply food and beverages, it provides an attraction for potential buyers & will allow more eyes on your house. Most Open Houses do not provide food, but we don’t want to be like other Open Houses.

Our goal is to get as many people as we can to your house in one weekend, because:

All of these elements will help ensure that we sell for the right price, without dragging out the listing process.



Pricing your property competitively will generate the most activity from agents and buyers.
Pricing your property too high may make it necessary to drop the price below market value to compete with new, well priced listings.